Teens across the library system can join the Avatar: The Last Air Bender Discord Server, a massive online event running from Jan. 9th through Mar. 10th. Participate in chats, White Lotus Master Challenges, create and share art, join a D&D style adventure, and join in with guest speakers. CCLS libraries are joining with Madison Library District to offer this server and bring together teens from Idaho, New York, and more! Learn more by watching this two minute video.
If you are unfamiliar with Discord, it is a social media platform that allows you to form closed or open groups called servers. CCLS libraries already have a regular Discord server for teens where they can chat and stay up to date on library events.
If you are already on the regular CCLS Discord server, you’ll receive an invite to the Avatar server on January 9th. If you haven’t joined our regular Discord server, you can do so by signing up here.